Why Having a Consultant On Your Side Saves You Heartache…

A client we are working with on a balcony inspection proposal walked us through their underground garage to get to the other side of the building so we could count the decks. As we walked through the garage I mentioned that that were a lot of leak areas and I saw that there was some crumbling concrete as well.

They said oh we are getting the leaks fixed, we have two bids and we are going to hire X company to do the waterproofing on the podium deck above. I said that’s good because you have some problems here… What are they doing? It was then they showed me the two scopes of work that the contractors had proposed to do.

This scope of work mentions nothing about using any particular brand or specific material. It is poorly written and leaves out many important steps that this job requires.
Poorly written as well, this scope of work is ambiguous and like the first scope, has no mention of any brand names or warranty.

We initiated a conversation with the client and discussed these proposals and corresponding scopes of work. The client believed that the work they were ready to award to a contractor was going to fix their problems. Several issues they had were a failing coating on the podium deck, leaks into the building and severe degradation of the structural concrete deck.

Under the podium deck is significant deterioration.
If you see these symptoms in your concrete, you have 99 problems but a waterproof deck ain’t one.
Hidden behind a pan on the ceiling to catch water, hidden structural damage.
Up above on the deck, failing coatings are dangerous to bare feet and they leak into the deck below.
Failing coating at the pool deck coping.
A very clogged up downspout is causing water to back up and causing leaking into the building.

We gave the Association a proposal to consult and perform non destructive percussion testing of their concrete deck and the coating on top. The engineer we partner with and I inspected the deck and as seen above, found some serious damage to the concrete and rebar inside. We found that nearly all of the coating on the top of the deck was delaminated and failing. We found that there was stress on the walls that the pool was set into.

This all added up to the conclusion that simply recoating the deck was not the answer. This Association needs structural concrete repair work done, removal of the coating on the deck, all new flashings around the perimeter, shot-blasting to provide a profiled surface for new coatings to bond to the existing, sloping to drains, cleaning out the drain pipes and a new non slip waterproof coating applied after all prep work was completed.

The job will cost them more than 181k. However, they will receive in return a lot more for their money. They have a consultant on their side that will get responsible contractors to bid on repairs, with quality assurance monitoring to watch over the contractors work and a written warranty from a quality manufacturer.

The Association now knows that they were going to lose 181k of their money and get little in return for it. The two bids were from supposed quality contractors, but we won’t be asking these two companies to bid this project. They should know better than to throw these bids out to their client, but IMO they don’t care about the client and that’s why we won’t ever use them to bid our jobs that we are consulting on.

Reach out today to discuss how we can help your association with your Waterproofing project. Call me, Bill Leys at 805-801-2380 direct or use the contact us box to send us an email. We can get you on the path to completing a successful project that will bring value to your property.